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gphotofs 0.3 released

Thanks to the long weekend, I’ve finally had some time to look at my various little projects, and gphotofs is definitely one that’s needed some attention. I’ve had support for some useful command line parameters in svn for a while and I want to get that out to everyone, so I’ve cut a 0.3 release. It’s current available locally here but I hope it will be on the gphoto sourceforge page in due course.

One key use of these command line arguments is forcing gphotofs to use a directory as a fake loopback camera. This allows for testing gphotofs and the common part of libgphoto2 without worrying about device-specific quirks (such as my Canon being very troublesome after deleting files). I’ve also applied these changes to the experimental write-support branch so testing of that will be much easier for everyone (including me!).

To use the loopback configuration, do the following:

./gphotofs /some/mountpoint –port disk:/any/directory –camera “Mass Storage Camera”

For anyone who tries out gphotofs and runs into problems, please try and reproduce your problem in the loopback configuration. It will help us greately in narrowing down the cause of the problem.


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