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{ Category Archives } Incoherent Rambling

πfs: The Filesystem of the Future!

I’m very pleased to announce that after eight years of research and development, I can present the world’s most revolutionary filesystem: πfs! What is πfs? πfs is a revolutionary new file system that, instead of wasting space storing your data on your hard drive, stores your data in π! You’ll never run out of space […]

Controlling Bluetooth DUN with upstart on the n900: Part 2

As I mentioned in a quick update to my old post; I got a report of DUN not auto starting reliably, if at all. I did some digging and the cause is that the /var/run/sdp socket created by bluetoothd and needed by sdptool is not present when bluetooth-dun runs. I’ve now updated the script to […]

S3 is a cruel mistress

Well, I suppose I have no one to blame up myself. You may recall my triumphant declaration that S3 suspend was working on my desktop machine without any quirks. Naturally, that couldn’t last. Yesterday, something happened to the machine such that it will no longer resume from S3 – and it seems to be a […]

Slackware Linux 12.0 on the Dell XPS m1330

I’ve just written an article about running Linux on the Dell XPS m1330 laptop. It’s long and should have lasting value (I hope!) so I didn’t type it into this blog entry. Instead it’s available here. The quick summary is that I think it’s a great laptop and Linux runs really well on it. Bravo […]

Suspend not as suspenseful as once thought

Shock! A blog post that doesn’t have anything to do with SD cards. 🙂 My personal life has been rather hectic over the last few weeks so I’ve had precious litte time to do any real hacking, but I did manage to find time yesterday to get Linux up and running on my new work […]

Missing MMC/SD features in the latest n800 kernel

As promised last weekend, here are the results of my investigations into the latest kernel in the 2007.26-8 kernel. As I previously observed, the transfer speed is capped at 24MHz even though the device is capable of operating at 48MHz. This cuts the maximum transfer rate of high-speed SD and MMC cards. Apparently this was […]

Spam as an incentive

I’ve finally taken the plunge and upgraded to WordPress 2.1 and I’ve got the incredible volume of blog spam I receive and the shiny new Akismet wordpress plugin to thank for that. It only works with WordPress 2.x so if that isn’t motivation to upgrade, I don’t know what is!

Obligatory n800 Post

So, after some effort, I managed to get my n800 ordered last week with my developer discount code (Thanks Nokia!) and it arrived today.

Putting the cart before the horse

So, one of my friends at work was complaining bitterly after I tricked him into installing 64bit Ubuntu on his shiny new xw9300…

Maemo Weather has a new home!

Marius Gedminas asked why my GWeather port wasn’t on the new Maemo Garage site and there isn’t a good reason, so I’ve rectified that situation…