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{ Monthly Archives } February 2007

The story of a humble codec

Here’s another tale that I’ve been meaning to tell for a while. I think it’s the last one for now. 🙂 Way back in Workstation 5, we introduced the ability to record movies of activity in a virtual machine, and to this end we devised our own codec. Now, that’s probably enough to generate a […]

Unbounded growth

As some you may have been aware, this year’s XDevConf was held at the beginning of the month (and much thanks to Sun and Stuart Kreitman for putting it on!) and I was fortunate to be there for some of the talks and to give a small presentation of my own of the Virtual Multihead feature in the up coming VMware Workstation 6.0…

Spam as an incentive

I’ve finally taken the plunge and upgraded to WordPress 2.1 and I’ve got the incredible volume of blog spam I receive and the shiny new Akismet wordpress plugin to thank for that. It only works with WordPress 2.x so if that isn’t motivation to upgrade, I don’t know what is!

n800 MMC 4/SDHC enabled kernel

Alright then. As promised earlier, I’ve got a pre-built replacement kernel for the n800 which adds support for MMC 4 and SDHC cards.

Obligatory n800 Post

So, after some effort, I managed to get my n800 ordered last week with my developer discount code (Thanks Nokia!) and it arrived today.