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{ Category Archives } The Joy of Work

Open Source VMware Guest Tools

So, I’ve mentioned these before but Dan Williams’ blog post about SET_NETDEV_DEV in the vmxnet driver clearly tells me I need to try and publicise these more. Back in September last year we open-sourced the Linux and BSD guest tools – including all the kernel drivers. So, if you found a problem in a driver […]

Open source VMware guest tools

I haven’t made a work related post in quite some time, but I’ve got a good reason now. Yesterday, we announced that we’re open-sourcing most parts of our Linux/FreeBSD/Solaris guest tools. You can see the site with details of what’s present (including kernel modules) here. I think this is genuinely a big deal – it […]

VMware Workstation 6.0

Christian and Alex have already beaten me to pointing out that the latest and greatest release of VMware Workstation is now out in the wild, but I’d still like to take a moment and congratulate their, and the rest of the team’s, efforts…

The story of a humble codec

Here’s another tale that I’ve been meaning to tell for a while. I think it’s the last one for now. 🙂 Way back in Workstation 5, we introduced the ability to record movies of activity in a virtual machine, and to this end we devised our own codec. Now, that’s probably enough to generate a […]

Unbounded growth

As some you may have been aware, this year’s XDevConf was held at the beginning of the month (and much thanks to Sun and Stuart Kreitman for putting it on!) and I was fortunate to be there for some of the talks and to give a small presentation of my own of the Virtual Multihead feature in the up coming VMware Workstation 6.0…

Virtual Xinerama

Have you ever wished you could test out ridiculously complex xinerama configurations, but didn’t have the hardware? Well, now you can.

Ubuntu & Vmware Player

So, jdub beat me to the punch on mentioning this – which I’ll blame on him having the unfair advantage of knowing exactly when the final Dapper release was made. 🙂

VMware Server

Christian and Alex both got there first, so I shouldn’t need to get into too much detail about the new VMware Server product. One thing I will comment about is co-existence with the Player…

vmmouse driver for Xorg is now open-source and in xorg cvs!

It’s been far too long in coming from our perspective but we finally put our minds towards it and cleaned up the code and made sure all the legal ducks were in order, and today I am proud to announce that we’ve finally committed the vmmouse driver to xorg cvs!

Are you ready to take the autostart challenge?

Now, here’s one for the masochistic types out there: As far as I can tell, there is no way to for an application to be installed such that it will startup as part of every user’s session the next time they log in to GNOME. Mark can probably tell me if this is absolutely true or not, but if there’s a way, I can’t find it.